Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cruising the Nile to Nagaa Hammadi - Abydos

We spent much of the day cruising North on the Nile from Luxor to Nagaa Hammadi. The Nile valley where we travelled today is very lush with a few towns and many small villages. Along the way we saw the men in their boats casting their nets for fish and the women were washing clothes and dishes along the bank. Many of the children were playing in the water or helping their mothers. Most of the people we encountered had big smiles and waved and shouted greetings.
Once we got to Nagaa Hammadi we had a one hour bus trip to go to Abydos temple. Julie was under the weather and decided to stay on the boat to be ready for tomorrow's adventure. We rode in a caravan of two tourist police vehicles, two vans, and two buses. Along the way we saw very visible police protection.
When we arrived at Abydos Temple we saw another fabulous structure that dates back to 1250BC. This temple was dedicated to Osiris, Lord of the Netherworld. The temple is known for its list of all the kings of Egypt and for being the burial place for pre-dynastic kings and pharaohs dating back to the fourth millennium BC. The other fun item is one cartouche that appears to depict a jet, a tank, and a spaceship. This one cartouche has lead some to believe aliens built the monuments and temples throughout Egypt. Our Egyptologist said it occurred accidentally when Ramses II repaired this part of the temple.
Pictures to follow.

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Location:Al - Waqf,Egypt

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