Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Last Minute Details:

Got the passport, got the visas for both Kenya and Egypt. Now we're working on getting a new camera that will allow us to take photos of wildlife from a distance in Kenya. Still working on getting a house/pet sitter. Our first vacation without Nicole! I'm hoping to post updates and photos as much as we can while we're gone. We have heard that there might not be internet connections in Kenya, but I'm thinking that our hotels/camps would have the connections. Apple's new I Pad is SOOOO much better than a laptop, and so light weight.

I'm trying to talk David into taking a balloon ride in Kenya, but he's hesitating a little. We'll be in Kenya from Sept. 22 - 29th, and then we'll be in Egypt until October 12th. We'll miss foliage season here in New England, but the trip is worth it!

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