Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A quiet day

Oct. 4, 2010

We went to a temple dedicated to the crocodile god, in the a.m., and to the Edfu temple in the afternoon. We cruised on the Nile to Esna, but once we got there, we found out that it's a special holiday for Esna and no one could visit places, so we continued on to Luxor at night.

Almost forgot. . . Jeanne told me that there probably would be someone famous on our trip. There is, sort of. Clive Cussler, a writer of mystery novels is on our boat with his wife. David has read a few of his books, and Clive C has had a couple of his books turned into movies (but they haven't been blockbusters). Sahara with Matthew McConnoughy, and Raising the Titanic. My goal while we're all trapped on this boat together is to ask Cussler for a picture with David, and to get his autograph. Everyone on our boat of 26 passengers is here through Abercrombie & Kent, but some have different guides. We have the largest group of 16 people, and Cussler and his wife are having a private tour with their own guide. We all follow the same tour schedule, though.

Tonight was dress up night. Everyone bought "galabayas" . . The traditional Egyptian clothing. . And we wore them to dinner on the boat and then tried to learn some Egyptian dances--No, it wasn't "Walk like an Egyptian."


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Location:Kom Ombo

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