Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tues. Oct. 5, 2010

We went to the biggest temple in the world this a.m. Karnak Temple dedicated to The God, Ahmun. Did you know that our word "Amen" derives from this Egyptian god? This temple has an "Avenue of sphinx's" as well as 131 columns. One of the Indiana Jones movies was filmed at Karnak Temple because of all the columns.

Also, one of the first successful c-sections was performed on Cleopatra. Her son's name was Caesarian--thus, Caesarian section! who knew?

We're going to the Luxor Museum this afternoon. Just like the museum in Cairo, there are no photos allowed.

Temperatures are very steamy. Our low temperature in Egypt so far has been 105 degrees. Our highest temp. so far has been 112 degrees. Most days seem to run right around 110 degrees.

We're going to two temples in Luxor tomorrow, and we're leaving the boat at 7:00a.m. to beat the heat. Luxor (ancient Thebes) holds 1/3 of the WORLD'S monuments. The entire city of Luxor has just been named a "museum" because of all the temples and tombs and archeological finds--including King Tut. We'll be seeing King Tut's mummified body tomorrow--can't wait!
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Location:Luxor /Thebes

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